How to Increase Chances of Normal Delivery? KM NU Hospitals
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How to Increase Chances of Normal Delivery?

Normal delivery, also known as vaginal delivery, holds profound significance in maternal and neonatal health. It is a natural and evolutionary process that promotes optimal physiological adaptation for both the mother and baby. Beyond its physical benefits, normal delivery brings early bonding, facilitates breastfeeding initiation, and reduces the risk of respiratory complications in newborns. Emotionally empowering, normal delivery enhances the mother's confidence and contributes to a positive birthing experience. Additionally, normal delivery aligns with the principles of patient-centered care, respecting the natural course of childbirth. Embracing this approach minimizes medical interventions, ensuring a smoother transition into motherhood while prioritizing the well-being of both the mother and baby.


Measures to enhance the chances of Normal Delivery

Pregnant Woman Doing Exercise - KM NU Hospitals

Achieving a successful, normal delivery is a common goal for expectant mothers due to its numerous health benefits. While certain factors are beyond control, there are various measures women can take to enhance their chances of having a normal delivery. These include:

Healthy lifestyle choices: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential. Adequate nutrition, regular exercise, and sufficient hydration contribute to overall well-being. A balanced diet, rich in essential nutrients supports the mother's health and foetal development. Regular physical activity, under supervision, helps in maintaining optimal weight and promoting stamina for labour. Staying hydrated ensures optimal amniotic fluid levels, while adequate rest supports overall mind-body wellness.

Get adequate sleep: Adequate sleep during pregnancy is crucial for normal delivery. Quality rest supports overall health, reduces stress, and promotes hormonal balance. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep, maintain a comfortable sleep environment, and establish a consistent bedtime routine to enhance your health and increase the likelihood of a smooth delivery.

Prenatal education and counselling: Prenatal education provides expectant mothers with valuable information about the birthing process, positioning, and breathing techniques. Understanding the stages of labour and potential challenges equips them with the knowledge to take informed decisions. Counselling sessions also address any fears or anxieties, encouraging a positive mindset.

Emotional wellness: Emotional support during pregnancy and labour is vital. Reducing stress and maintaining emotional well-being positively impact the birthing process. Having a supportive partner or family member can alleviate stress and create a conducive environment for normal delivery. Continuous support during labour has been linked to shorter labour durations and reduced likelihood of interventions.

Choose the right healthcare provider: Selecting a healthcare provider with experience and a supportive approach to natural childbirth is crucial. Discuss birthing preferences and establish open communication to ensure that both the mother and the healthcare provider are aligned in their approach towards achieving a normal delivery.

Optimal foetal positioning: The baby's position in the womb plays a significant role in the ease of labour. Encouraging optimal foetal positioning through exercises and maintaining good posture can enhance the chances of a normal delivery. Techniques such as pelvic tilts and sitting on a birthing ball can encourage the baby to assume a head-down position.

Mind-body practices: Incorporating mind-body practices such as yoga and meditation can be beneficial. These practices promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance mental resilience, which is essential during labour. Breathing exercises, in particular, can aid in managing pain and maintaining composure.

Labour induction alternatives:  Avoiding unnecessary induction is crucial for promoting normal delivery. Natural methods such as acupressure, nipple stimulation, and walking can be explored before considering medical interventions. It is essential to discuss the potential risks and benefits with the healthcare provider.

Labouring in upright positions: During labour adopting upright positions such as walking, swaying, or using a birthing ball can facilitate the descent of the baby through the birth canal. These positions utilize gravity, potentially reducing the duration of labour and the need for interventions.

Water birth: Consideration of water birth is an option that some mothers find beneficial. Immersing in warm water during labour is believed to ease pain and promote relaxation. However, this should be discussed thoroughly with the healthcare provider, keeping in mind individual health conditions.

Delayed cord clamping: Advocating delayed cord clamping allows the baby to receive additional blood and nutrients from the placenta, potentially reducing the risk of anaemia and enhancing overall health. This practice aligns with the principles of natural childbirth and can be discussed with the healthcare team.

Perineal massage: Perineal massage in the weeks leading up to labour may help in preparing the perineum for childbirth, reducing the risk of tearing. Proper technique and guidance from healthcare providers can ensure its effectiveness.

Avoiding unnecessary interventions: Minimizing unnecessary medical interventions, such as continuous monitoring or routine interventions like episiotomy, can enhance the chances of normal delivery. Collaborating with the healthcare team to assess the necessity of interventions based on individual circumstances is essential.

Stay active during labour: Changing positions and staying active during labour can facilitate the descent of the baby through the birth canal and also increase your stamina and physical endurance to undergo labour with ease.


To conclude, enhancing the chances of a normal delivery involves a holistic approach encompassing lifestyle choices, education, support, and collaboration with healthcare providers. While every birth experience is unique, these measures aim to create an environment that prioritizes the well-being of both the mother and baby. It is essential to stay informed, make informed choices, and collaborate closely with your healthcare provider throughout your pregnancy journey.

KM NU Hospitals in Ambur, India, stands as a premier destination for normal delivery and comprehensive maternal care. Renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and expert medical staff, KM NU Hospitals prioritizes the well-being of both the mother and baby. With a commitment to excellence, it has become a trusted choice for expectant mothers seeking a supportive environment and quality healthcare during the pivotal journey of childbirth.

AuthorDr. Gracy Sunny Kindo 



1.  Vaginal Delivery. Cleveland Clinic.

2.  Natural Childbirth. Kids Health.

3.  Vaginal Delivery. National Library of Medicine.