
KM Nuhospitals Event Date Frame
Dialysis Services at KM Nuhospitals


KM Nuhospitals Event Date Frame
Operation Theatre at KM Nuhospitals

Operation Theatre

KM Nuhospitals Event Date Frame
Laboratory Services at KM Nuhospitals

Laboratory Services

KM Nuhospitals Event Date Frame
Nursing Care Services at KM Nurhospitals

Nursing Care

KM Nuhospitals Event Date Frame
Urodynamic Testing at KM Nuhospitals


KM Nuhospitals Event Date Frame
Patient Rooms at KM Nuhospitals


KM Nuhospitals Event Date Frame
Intensive Care Unit Facilities at KMNU Hospital



When an end-stage renal failure occurs (that is, when the kidney function is irreversibly reduced to below 15% of normal), there are two treatment options: dialysis or a kidney transplant (also known as a renal transplant).

There are two types of dialysis:

  1. Haemodialysis.
  2. Peritoneal dialysis.

The word ‘haemo’ refers to blood. Haemodialysis is a process that balances blood chemistry and filters waste and fluid from the blood

For Haemodialysis, two needles are inserted into the patient’s arm. One needle withdraws the blood and the other returns the filtered blood to the patient’s body.

The blood, which is withdrawn by the first needle, travels outside the body through the tubing and the dialysis machine then pumps this blood through a filter called a dialyzer, which is attached to the dialysis machine. The dialyzer cleans the blood and it is returned to the patient’s body through the other needle.

The dialyzer is also called an artificial kidney because it is an artificial replacement for the patient’s damaged kidneys. During the process of haemodialysis, the haemodialysis machine circulates the dialysate (fluid with chemicals that helps to remove wastes from the body) to the artificial kidney. Haemodialysis is typically performed at a dialysis center.

Dialysis Equipment : 

Haemodialysis is performed at KM NU Hospitals with sophisticated equipment (volumetric, bicarbonate machines). We have 14 state-of-the-art machines [13 of them in the Haemodialysis unit and 1 in the intensive care unit (ICU)]. A state-of-the-art reverse osmosis plant purifies the water used for haemodialysis. Periodic cultures of the reverse osmosis water are performed to ensure good quality of water.

We perform around 13,000 to 14,000 dialysis per year.

  1. State-of-the-art Fresenius Haemodialysis.
  2. Single-use dialyzer and tubing for every patient. This helps to minimize and prevent infections. We do not reuse the dialyzer.
  3. Special dialysis couches at each individual station.
  4. Advanced dialysis includes high flux hemodialysis & online Hemodiafiltration which helps in removal of waste products from the blood contributing to improved survival in patients
  5. Individual tablets provided for entertainment
  6. Daily monitoring and audit of patients and machines.
  7. Personal & Individual attention from senior doctors.
  8. Specialized training & practice for the dialysis team member to carry out cannulations in OT and on mannequins.
  9. Hand hygiene surveillance monitored by CCTV and standardized active infection control practices
  10. Strict adherence to medical protocol and hospital best practices.
  11. Dedicated machines and space for HBsAg and HCV positive patients.
  12. Specialized Plex RO (Reverse Osmosis) pipeline imported from Germany.

Operation Theatre

We have fully equipped OT and CSSD (Central Sterile Supply Department). We have following types of sterilization

  • Autoclave: Steam sterilization
  • ETO (Ethylene Trade Oxide): All type of plastic and tubing are being sterilized with ETO as per the standards
  • STERRAD (Gas plasma sterilizer): We also have one of the advanced sterilization in which we sterilize all endoscopic and laparoscopic instruments. One of the advantages of this is sterilization is done within 30 minutes and the instruments can be used immediately.

Patient safety: We mainly focus on patient safety and these are some of the steps

  • The patient is identified with a wrist identification tag and patient file in transfer bay
  • Time out (Patient name, Hosp. No and surgery side, antibiotics given) is being done by the Anaesthetist in the presence of surgeon and scrub nurse before starting surgery
  • OT temperature and humidity are monitored
  • We have a warm touch machine to keep the patient warm, especially pediatric cases
  • We apply TED (Thrombo Embolic Devices) and SCD (Sequential Compression Device) during the prolonged surgery to avoid DVT(Deep Vein Thrombosis)

Operating rooms: We have 4 operating theaters. Each theater is equipped to conduct the most advanced and complicated surgery.

  • In OT we have well-trained nurses to assist in the latest endoscopic/laparoscopic surgery
  • OT environment is being periodically monitored by sending the surveillance swabs. These measures provide sterile environment and have resulted in a minimal infection rate. So we use single-dose antibiotics in most elective cases.
  • Strict aseptic precautions and sterile atmosphere is monitored with continuous airflow filtered by HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters and the same has been monitored in all theaters.

Laboratory Services


KM NU Hospitals aims to provide all the necessary laboratory investigations required for patient care through its laboratory services.

KM NU Hospitals Diagnostic Services (NUHDS) is a NABL accredited laboratory (M-0412) that commits to perform medical testing activities according to the requirements of ISO 15189:2007, NABL specific criteria & other regulatory authorities. State-of-the-art technology is used to release accurate & reliable reports with least turnaround time by following good laboratory practices at affordable prices.


All the laboratory’s departments provide qualitative analysis (chemical analysis designed to identify the components of a substance) and quantitative analysis (chemical analysis designed to determine the amounts or proportions of the components of a substance) of biological fluids such as blood, serum or plasma, urine, stools, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), etc. These are required in order to detect specific constituents to support clinicians in the practice of medicine. Care is taken to ensure accuracy, precision reproducibility and prompt reporting with minimal turnaround time. The laboratory has dedicated, motivated, knowledgeable and qualified doctors and technical staff.

We provide services in Hematology, Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Pathology, Microbiology, Serology and Cytopathology.

  • 24 hours Sample collection center (Phlebotomy) with a barcode management system.
  • Well trained technicians for collection of samples.
  • Painless procedure for sample collection.
  • Dispatching samples and patient reports through a pneumatic chute system.
  • Reducing turnaround time for dispatching the reports.
  • Maintaining aseptic techniques for sample collection procedures.
  • Maintaining better rapport with patients.
  • Rejection of samples as per approved standardized protocols (NABL).

Facilities provided are:

Routine cultures for urine, stool, pus/swab, fluid and blood. Reporting of culture and sensitivity, isolation and identification of organisms is also done.

Staining techniques

  • Gram stain
  • AFB stain
  • Special staining for opportunistic pathogens.


ELISA test for :

  • HIV
  • Hepatitis B
  • HCV
  • Anti- HBs
  • CMV DNA PCR( qualitative and quantitative)
  • Other tests like VDRL, CRP, ASO, RA/RF, Widal and Malaria.

Clinical Pathology

We have a fully automated machine for performing urine analysis. Routine analysis of samples like stool, fluid and semen is also done.

Quality Control and Quality Analysis Standards

We are constantly involved in updating laboratory techniques and maintaining international quality control and quality analysis standards. We ensure quality through the following measures:

Internal and External Quality Control: The laboratory maintains internal and external quality control standards. Special emphasis is given to daily quality checks through internal quality control as well as external quality control standards, by participating in quality control programs. The quality control standards are maintained as per NABL recommendations.

We have a well-developed Hospital Information System (HIS) network that provides interfacing of machine-generated reports with our reporting software.

FDA-approved Reagent Kits: The reagents kits used for various analyses are FDA-approved.

  • Providing Laboratory Services 24/7, 365 days a year: The laboratory provides the patients round-the-clock services, 365 days a year.

Clinical Biochemistry

Clinical Biochemistry

The biochemistry department has the appropriate technology not only to perform routine tests but also a wide variety of specialized investigations like Immunoassays (hormone analysis).

We have a fully automatic random access autoanalyser capable of performing spectrophotometric assays, integrated multisensor technology (IMT) and immunoturbidometric analysis of various analytes.

It performs 400 tests per hour. Routine biochemistry analysis is done based on the different packages that we offer.

  • Diabetic Profile
  • Stone Packages I-IV
  • Stone Analysis
  • Renal Packages I-III
  • Cardiac Profile
  • Thyroid Profile
  • Iron Profile
  • Liver function tests
  • Transplant Pack- I & II
  • ABG & electrolytes for Critical Care
  • Drug testing – Cyclosporine, Tacrolimus etc.



The laboratory is equipped with completely automated instruments such as cell counters for carrying out routine hematological investigations. We have a compact, high-performance hematology analyzer providing accurate and precise complete Haemogram results, including a fully automated WBC 5-part differential. Anemia Profile, coagulation studies, blood grouping are also performed. A blood storage facility is available for inpatients.


Nursing Care

Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

The 4 bedded ICU is a well-staffed and equipped unit that treats patients with life-threatening nephrological and urological disorders and provides critical post-operative care for certain surgical patients.

Department in charge: Dr. Rupam Sinha


Well trained nurses are available for any assistance at any time. Ward nurses are also trained to handle post-operative patients.

Operation Theatre (OT)

OT nurses are able to assist urological including laparoscopic surgeries.

OT Manager- Mrs. Nethravathy B S

Procedure room

Nurses in the procedure room are well trained and specialized in urological procedures. The department also gives training to other nurses in the hospital in different procedures. Specialist Urology nurses are at work here.

Operation time: 8 AM to 8 PM

OT Manager- Mrs. Nethravathy B S

Counseling room

Nurse counselors perform counseling for self-catheterization, behavioral therapy, etc. Education for patients and family is also being done in the unit with adequate audio-visual aids and instruction notes.

Operation time: 8 AM to 8 PM


Urodynamic Lab

The unit has a well-trained nurse, Miss. Bhargavi V A to perform uroflowmetry and to assist Urologists in Urodynamic Tests

Operation time: 9 AM to 6 PM.

Renal Transplant Room

A well-trained nurse provides care for renal transplant patients (recipients) in an appropriately equipped room.

Procedure room nurses-specialized in Urology

Infection Control and Prevention

Hospital has a committee for Hospital Infection Control chaired by a senior consultant. Although the committee has surveillants from different medical departments, nurses represent good strength. These surveillants do daily rounds in the various areas of the hospital to ensure the prevention of infection.

Training Room


A training room equipped with manikins helps nurses to get trained themselves. The room also has a ‘catheter and tubing’ display to orient newly joining nurses.


 The facilities available are:

  • Uroflowmetry
  • Urodynamics

Role Performed:

Uroflowmetry: In this test, we will advise the patient to come for the test with a full bladder. If she/he gets sensation to pass urine, we allow them to pass inside the UDS commode. Reports will be given within 5 minutes. You must not drink excessive fluids before the test as it may cause complications.

Urodynamics: In this procedure, we monitor for your bladder pressure and abdominal pressure. This procedure takes a duration of 1-2 hrs. It’s done on an OPD basis. You do not need to remain fasting.

Reports: It will be given within 5-10 minutes.

Facilities available are

  • Adult urodynamics.
  • Paediatric urodynamics.

Test includes:

  • Free flow uroflow
  • Cystometric test
  • Electromyography
  • Postviod residual measurement.

Certain investigations like recent urine culture, ultrasound and Serum creatinine are mandatory for the test.

Reference letter from your doctor if you are not registered in our Hospitals.

“Providing objective urodynamic evidence to prove a clinical diagnosis”.


We offer an assortment of rooms and wards, as we understand that the needs of each patient vary. The types of rooms and wards we offer are:

Total Number of Beds-60



Deluxe Ward Rooms: Our deluxe ward rooms are equipped with every feature imaginable. In these rooms, we provide WI-FI Internet access, A/C, cable TV, telephone, centralized oxygen, centralized suction equipment, an attender bed, a private bathroom, and closet space.






We provide patient's meals to their rooms: At KM NU Hospitals, a dietician tailors meals according to each patient’s individual requirements. This is to ensure that each patient receives the proper mix of nutrients such as proteins and carbohydrates. We provide four meals a day to patients – breakfast, lunch, an afternoon snack and dinner. Fresh and natural ingredients are used to prepare meals and all meals are designed to be low in fat and salt. We provide a renal diet for patients who require it, as per the doctor’s instructions. We also provide a special protein drink for dialysis patients.

ICU Bed at KMNU Hospitals - High-quality Intensive Care Unit Services

Two-BedRooms: You share a bed with another patient in the same room. There are provisions for an attender cot, centralized oxygen and centralized suction equipment.

Two Hospital Beds in a Comfortable Room at KMNU Hospitals

Single bed rooms: This is a non-A/C room. There are provisions like cable TV, telephone, centralized oxygen, centralized suction equipment, an attender bed, bathroom and ample closet space.

Single Hospital Bed in a Modern Room at KMNU Hospitals


  • Renal Services – Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT), Sustained Low Efficiency Dialysis (SLED), Plasmapheresis
  • Life-Threatening Post-Renal Transplant Infections, Acute Peritoneal Dialysis, Emergency Haemodialysis Services, Fluid Overload State.
  • Major Post-Operative Urological Surgical Care
  • Internal Medicine Cases – Sepsis, Viral Fevers, Malaria, Dengue, Typhoid, Bacterial Infections.
  • Snake Bites, Poisoning, Diabetic Keto-Acidosis, Hypertensive Emergencies, Gastroenteritis, Haematemesis – GI Bleed & All Respiratory Emergencies (Bronchial Asthma, COPD, Pneumonias).
  • Cerebrovascular Accidents, Neuro Infections, Seizure Disorders, Strokes, G B Syndrome, Myasthenia Gravis.
  • Acute Abdomen, Acute Pancreatitis, Appendicitis, Ischaemic Bowel, Disease Cholelithiasis, Obstructed Hernias, Blunt Injury to Abdomen.
  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology Includes Post-Partum Emergency Handling, Eclampsia
  • Paediatric ICU Care

Patient Care Service

Masimo-Patient SafetyNet systems are installed across all care areas, Intensive Care Unit of KM NU Hospitals. This enables continuous monitoring of patients at their bedside using a variety of devices for Non-invasive Blood Pressure, Temperature, Pulse CO-Oximetry. Measurements will include SpHb, SET® Measure-through Motion and Low Perfusion pulse oximetry, vital signs such as blood pressure and temperature and for dialysis patients, pleth variability index (PVi®) monitoring to assist in optimizing fluid management. This entire setup is wired to transmit alerts to care providers at the earliest hint of deviation outside permissible vital parameter range.

ICU Service

KM NU Hospitals has a 10-bedded ICU – equipped with ventilators, emergency Haemodialysis unit, Cardiac, Masimo Monitors & all critical Invasive & Non-Invasive Equipment.

Cardiology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics, Gastroenterology, Urology, Nephrology, Paediatric Urology & Paediatric Nephrology, Pulmonology, Internal Medicine, General & Laparoscopic Surgery.

  • Qualified post-graduate Intensivist Coverage.
  • Qualified OT, ICU, Radiology Technicians.
  • Qualified and ICU trained Nursing Staff.
  • Laboratory Services.
  • Communication Systems – Hotline to Consultants.
  • State of art Dialysis.
  • CT Scan
  • Emergency